What follows is Scathing.
The problem is godlesness. God has been removed from everything.
Whatever activities have been undertaken, have been stripped of their inclusion of God. Music and worship? Its about the harmonics and the chords. Giving a message? Its about oratory skills and good humour. Going to church? Its about not staying at home. Staying back after church? Its about meeting friends.
Where is God in all this? He has been forgotten, or worse, ignored.
Be truthful to yourself; it was not like you were invested in a relationship with God from the beginning. True, you saw it manifest in others, but you sought how they felt and the success they had, you coveted the towering personas they projected by virtue of their involvement in various events and the responsibilities. When you decided to turn to God, it was to get your things done. Then, you were worried about your life. Now that your needs are covered and your worries have subsided, you've conveniently given God the backseat, if any seat at all. All this is going to sting you when your next need shows up.
Understand that this is not fair. If you have such a thing as a conscience, you cannot let this continue. You are not being fair to the ultimate benefactor when you give Him zero priority and leave Him out of your day-to-day things. You need God more than He needs you. In fact, while you've enjoyed the different aspects of being in the Faith, you have been missing out on the core substance for which you were given the privilege to experience: true and active Fellowship with Him!
Its not late. Its never too late. Make it about Him. Make everything about Him. Listen carefully when He speaks. Give Him the steering wheel.
And what shall follow is Bliss.